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Musings of a Beginner Dress-maker: #historybounding

 I've always wanted to learn to make my own clothes, but it's not something I've had time or felt confident enough to try until recently. I am ENTIRELY a beginner - I didn't have a single sewing lesson at school and until I bought my first one had not so much as touched a sewing machine.

I wrote in my Sewing Resolutions post about being plus-size and how I see dressmaking as a way to make clothes that fit me well. But that's not the whole story, and I've recently found a community of sewers who express exactly what I would like to achieve: #historybounding

The term #historybounding was coined by Morgan Donner in this video:

It refers to those of us who want to incorporate some historical elements to our daily style, whether that is going full-on vintage or using shapes, silhouettes and accessories that 'feel' historical. There's a strong overlap between "history bounders" and #costubers - those people who have YouTube channels where they film themselves making full Victorian ballgowns or Viking dresses. Is that something I can see myself doing in future... maybe? If my sewing skills develop well enough. I'm not sure what I would DO in a full Victorian gown - most #costubers seem to go to conventions and events in their gowns and I can't see myself doing that.

So for now, #historybounding - I want to incorporate elements of historical style into my daily attire. Anything in particular? Well, I love the #darkacademia look as espoused by You Tubers like Rachel Maksy and Bernadette Banner: 

And I also enjoy the #cottagecore vibe, e.g. strolling through a field in a floaty dress and stays pretending to be a Hobbit or an NPC in a fantasy video game.

What I am still working out is how my love of pattern fits in here! I do adore a quirky pattern and most of the fabric I have bought to make my own clothes from is patterned.

So I do think I am going to end up developing a look that's a cosplay of Ms Frizzle as an Edwardian school marm - like that's a bad thing!



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