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Showing posts from January, 2022

New Year Resolutions 2022

 Happy New Year! It's 2022 already... The #ConfinedCrafting blog is now a year old. Which brings me to my first resolution: update the blog more often ! I haven't been a regular blogger and I would really like to make a good go of regular updates here. My new sewing assistant is even more disruptive than the cats! Meet Rudolph the Spanador (Cocker Spaniel-Labrador mix). Spot my stolen tape-measure... My second resolution involves following projects through to the end before getting distracted planning a new project! I really enjoy the process of planning, choosing a pattern, assembling the kit, even cutting out the fabric, and often at that point I start to sew then run out of time to finish in one go, then just ... Never pick it up again. Even if I really want the thing I am making! Hence the resolution to focus and finish on a project before starting another. I still haven't hemmed this circle skirt that I made in May 2021... My third resolution is to keep my sewing area